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Office of the Registrar

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
莫斯科, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731



For information about admitted but not yet enrolled students request through the 招生办公室.

For information about current or past students, courses, or registrations request through the Registrar's Office Student Reports with the following information:

  1. The purpose of your request.  要分发的任何材料的样品必须随要求一起提交.
  2. Describe exactly the population to be selected (e.g. currently enrolled undergraduate math majors).
  3. Describe the information you want included on your report (e.g. name, email address, majors, primary advisor).

对学生数据的请求将根据具体情况进行评估. 申请必须证明合法的教育利益,并且必须与赞助部门或组织的学术或行政责任相关. 所有学生资料仅供申请部门使用, for the purpose specified in the request. 收到资料即表示同意所得资料不会被复制, 发表, 公开发布的, or used for any secondary purpose. 滥用这些资料可能会使要求者或其指定人受到民事或刑事处罚及/或大学纪律处分.

The Office of the Registrar enforces U of I Administrative procedure 65.03 - Public Records Requests.

任何为问卷或调查目的而要求提供学生信息的人都有责任保护所有学生信息. 出于对学生隐私和学生调查过度的实际考虑, 参加调查的学生人数可能是有限的.

Expected response time averages five to seven business days.


报告的标题 分配周期
毕业 Application Review weekly throughout the semester
学生花名册 after tenth day of semester
Midterm 成绩 of D or F three days after midterm grades are due
失踪的顾问 one-two weeks prior to start of advising
Enrolled Last Term, Not Registered Next Term weekly, starting after priority registration and
continuing through No-Exam week
Registered in a Repeated Course three weeks after priority registration and
third week of July (after AP scores arrive) and
one week prior to start of classes
three weeks after priority registration and
third week of July (after AP scores arrive) and
one week prior to start of classes
Admitted Not Enrolled 每周优先注册,直到秋季学期开始
(not sent out during fall semester)
毕业 Ceremony Attendance two weeks prior to commencement
(UG with less than 2.0 GPA at end of term,
but still in good academic standing)
after all final grades received
优秀学生名单 after all final grades received
Probation/Disqualification after all final grades received
Students on Disqual at the End of First Term after all final grades received
Students GPAs that Decreased in Last Semester by .5人或以上 after all final grades received
Final 成绩 of F in Law Courses after all final grades received for Law courses


欧洲杯买球的程序要求人类保证委员会(HAC)审查和批准涉及人类的项目.  您需要随您的请求提交一份HAC批准的副本,并确认您理解并遵守FERPA和爱达荷州公共记录法.  您收到的所有信息必须仅用于研究的既定目的, in aggregate format only, and must not be passed onto any other person or entity.  要求对其记录保密的学生将不包括在数据集中.

National Honor Society

为了发布学生信息供考虑进入荣誉社团, please follow the following steps:

  1. 荣誉学会的指导老师如果是学校的员工,可以向教务处索取相关信息  The request should include the name of the honor society, what information is requested, and how the information will be used.
  2. The advisor will sign the Department Agreement Form 代表赞助部门,并将其提交给注册主任办公室, Attention: Student Reports.
  3. 注册主任将审核申请,并核实该荣誉协会是否为该协会的成员 Association of College Honor Societies,并且所要求的信息和使用是适当的.
  4. 对于任何要求对其记录保密的学生,将不会发布任何信息.  The department will be required to obtain a signed request from the student to release any information.

Military Recruitment

书记官长办公室对征兵资料收取200美元的固定费用(不含附加税).  You will need to provide credit card information, including name on the card, 卡号, 截止日期, and verification code or CSV number (from back of card), 连同发送报告的传真号码,然后才能处理请求.  You may call the Office of the Registrar with your information; please ask to speak with student reports.

Broadcast Email Requests

爱达荷州公共记录法禁止欧洲杯买球在没有事先获得名单上的人的许可的情况下分发任何邮件名单, 除非电子邮件的目的与大学的教育使命有关.


  • 电子邮件的目的必须与大学的教育使命有关,并与被联系的学生有特定的关系.
  • 应该定义用于选择学生收件人的参数,以便只联系可能感兴趣的学生.
  • 电子邮件不能是促销,必须不出现的广告-即使没有费用.
  • Prohibited are sales of any kind, and anything for profit.

服务和学生组织(非学术单位)可以要求创建LISTSERV,以便将信息消息发送给特定的学生子集.  If your request is approved, 这些学生将被联系并邀请加入您组织的LISTSERV.  所有的LISTSERVs必须有一名欧洲杯买球的教职员工作为版主.

To request a LISTSERV, email with the following information:

  1. Your name and contact information.
  2. Your organization and your role within the organization.
  3. 选择您希望接触到的学生子集的标准.
  4. 对组织和LISTSERV的目的的解释.
  5. 这个名字, 电话号码, 以及将担任列表版主的大学员工的电子邮件地址.
  6. Your requested list name (e.g. CNR Students Who Are Registered for Current Term).
  7. 您所要求的部门/学院组列表电子邮件地址(e.g.

LISTSERVs将根据要求每年为每个组织生成一次.  请计划包括一个允许新成员通过组织网站加入您的LISTSERV的方法.

Office of the Registrar

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
莫斯科, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731