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电子邮件: campusmail@psozxd.com

网络: 浏览校园邮件服务



The MS number, or Mail Stop number, is the same four digit number as your current campus ZIP.


You can use the same format that you use now to receive your overnight delivery from FedEx Express. 所有其他交付应发送:

875周边大道 MS XXXX
莫斯科,ID 83844-XXXX(您的邮箱号码)

校园邮件服务 uses the department name and mail stop number to deliver mail, 包, 联合包裹, 联邦快递地面, 办公室马克斯, 美国邮政总局, 等.

Use your current four digit campus zip (Mail Stop Number):

875周边大道 MS XXXX

The street address must come first - followed by the Mail Stop (MS) number.

No! Use the stationery that you have on hand and update when ordering new stationery.

With the exception of FedEx Express and one or two other overnight carriers all mail, 包 and freight are delivered to the 校园邮件 dock to be delivered by CMS. 寻址 mail to any other location may result in delay of the delivery.

You can add your building name and room number to the street address line like the example below. Your mail would still come to our dock but, your office location would be there as well.


The information in your email came from the Timesheet Org roll up in Banner. It turns out Banner has different names in different locations, and some of the old names are still stuck in the system. 但, HR and Business Process Management are working to correct the old names still in use in the system, 这些都被换掉了.  Please use your correct department name along with the new address. If you have a question about your mail stop number please contact 校园邮件服务 at campusmail@psozxd.com.

不,这是一种常见的误解. CMS is a department within the 欧洲杯买球, and adheres to all 欧洲杯买球 policies. 员工是uof I的员工,而不是美国邮政总局的员工. They do adhere to many of the 美国邮政总局 guidelines and policies and regulations because that is the only way that we can work with the 美国邮政总局 and get the mail through in a timely and efficient manner. 例如,正确的称呼.

CMS staff adheres to 美国邮政总局 regulations and policies as they change, and send that information out to all U of I mail users as fast as possible. 任何“坏地址”都会在邮件排序时被记录下来, 如果, 一个偶然的机会, that mail person happens to know the recipient or department, they will affix a “bad address” stamp or sticker on to that piece of mail, 写上正确的地址. 这是对收信人的一种礼貌, so they can then contact the mail vendor and get the address changed to the correct address for future usage. 美国邮政总局 regulations are requiring a more stringent address form now, and incorrect addressing will either be more expensive, especially for bulk mail or non-deliverable in the first place. Using the proper format as found listed at our website is critical for the mail to go through. Our goal is to deliver every piece of mail that we can, 但是没有适当的信息和地址, 我们别无选择,只能把它退回或回收利用.

与普遍的看法相反, the five mail staff within CMS do not know every staff member by name or face… nor what department they work in. CMS的工作人员每天要整理5000多封邮件, and less than 1% of the mail is improperly addressed and undeliverable. 查找员工或部门以更正地址, 需要CMS工作人员没有的时间, and still be able to deliver the rest of the mail to campus. 例如, if each piece of improperly addressed mail took only 5 minutes to check out, that means that one staff member would be spending 3 hours each day trying to figure out who this mail would go to. We tracked this lost time over several years, and found the cost to exceed over $20K/year. We no longer have the staffing resources or funding to allow us to do this.

CMS is a U of I department intended for U of I business mail services only. Personal mail cannot be delivered by CMS and should not be routed to the University for delivery.

This is usually relatively easy to determine by CMS 工作人员, though we do err on the side of caution and hold any mail that we deem “of dubious origin” and wait to hear back from the recipient. (详情见下表.) A personal mail notice is sent out electronically or through the mail to the addressee if they can be found. This mail is not delivered unless the recipient can confirm that it truly is U of I Business Mail.


  • 这是用个人资金支付的私人物品.
  • 它来自一家酿酒厂.
  • 这是一家百货公司寄来的. 《欧洲杯买球app》、《欧洲杯买球》、《欧洲杯买球app》、《欧洲杯买球app》 & 桶等.)
  • It is your personal mail/bills paid for with personal funds.
  • 这是一封从家庭地址转发到伊利诺伊大学的邮件. (如果您已经这样做了,请欧洲杯买球.)
  • It is from you to you and is personal books and papers for your office (if you will take them with you when you leave U of I they are considered personal).
  • It is for any construction or renovation project being accomplished by non-U of I staff or for any vendor or contractor that are not employees of the 欧洲杯买球…being under contractual obligations does not count.

这是另一个常见的误解. The 美国邮政总局 considers all mail delivered to the CMS dock to have been "received" by the 欧洲杯买球 and properly delivered to the customer, i.e.,大学. 在那一刻, all mail becomes the property of the 欧洲杯买球, 而不是个别的接受者. This means that any designated university office can and will open up any mail item received if warranted and deemed necessary. Yet another reason not to send personal mail through the U of I mail delivery program. With the increased security measures in place since 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, 邮件安全一直是人们关注的问题. CMS assumes that all mail they receive is for U of I business purposes, but obvious personal or suspicious mail or 包 are removed on a routine basis and recipients notified.

Contact the mail sender/vendor immediately and inform them of the "proper" addressing format needed to receive your mail. They should be fully aware of this already, since this is an old 美国邮政总局 regulation. At that time re-request your missing periodicals or mail as well.

这不是美国邮政总局或CMS的政策. This program is part of the University's efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, and is part of the agreement signed onto by President Tim White in 2007. We are currently diverting about a ton of junk mail a month to the recycling program, rather than hauling it across campus for distribution. Any department can opt out of this program if they so desire. Properly addressed bulk mail is being delivered at this time across campus. 联系CMS进一步的问题或信息.


The 欧洲杯买球 annually receives many tons of bulk business mail, 通常被称为“垃圾邮件”,几乎所有这些都被立即扔掉了. Delivering bulk business mail consumes valuable staff time, increases fuel and equipment use and increases the volume of waste that must be processed. The policy also helps the university fulfill its commitment to the American Colleges and Universities Presidents Climate Commitment program that president Tim White signed onto in April of 2007.


It is the policy of U of I Sustainability Program for 校园邮件服务 to no longer deliver the following items:

  • Bulk mail that does not have a named recipient on it — either individual or department.
  • 来自家庭和消费者零售机构的目录.
  • 常见的目录随时可以在网上找到.
  • Personal magazines such as People Magazine and Entertainment Weekly. It has always been a U of I policy that personal mail should not be routed through the U of I mail service. This will not impact professional and technical publications. Please change any personal magazine and newspaper subscriptions to your home address. Departmental subscriptions will still be delivered and should have the department name in the mailing address.
  • 信用卡申请.
  • 广告.

The above-listed bulk mail will be recycled immediately rather than distributed across campus to be thrown in the garbage. Individuals can opt out of bulk business mail by contacting 直销协会 (DMA) at:

P.O. 9008箱

或者去 直接存储器存取网站 创建一个免费的邮件管理帐户.


This policy only impacts the U of I unique zip code of 83844 and only university business mail that is handled by 校园邮件服务. This policy does not impact students living in the university residences using the city of Moscow zip code of 83843.


Junk Mail—“unsolicited mail, such as advertisements, mailed out in large quantities indiscriminately.”

联合包裹 and 美国邮政总局 包 are delivered the same day we receive them. Occasionally 联合包裹 包 arrive late due to weather and are delivered the next business day. 联邦快递地面 is delivered to campus mail stops the next business day because it arrives later in the day after the route deliveries are in progress. Most likely we cannot identify who the package belongs to, 使用你的邮寄地址是非常重要的. If you have tracked your package and it has been delivered to U of I but you have not received your package you should track your package using the campus tracking program. 说明在我们的主页上. We cannot help you without the tracking number as it is usually the only way to identify the package. We have a "Mystery Mail" shelf where we keep 包 that are unknown. We must have the tracking number to locate the package. Packages that have been on the mystery mail shelf for 10 business days are returned to the sender.



电子邮件: campusmail@psozxd.com

网络: 浏览校园邮件服务
