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国外的教育 staff serve as a resource for parents and other family members of prospective students, 当前的学生, 和出国留学/交换校友. 使用页面顶部的“欧洲杯买球”按钮获取更多信息.


留学项目的价格差别很大. 课程费用取决于课程选择和学生选择的城市或国家. 例如, 有些城市可能比同一国家的其他城市更贵, 或者有些项目总体上可能更贵.

无论选择什么专业,伊利诺伊大学的学生都有资格获得经济援助. 好消息是,如果你的学生有资格获得I大学的经济资助, then financial aid will be re-evaluated for the study abroad experience and in many cases increase to meet a higher cost study abroad program. 例如, federal financial aid will take into account that your student may spend more money on items such as airfare and that will be factored into the overall financial aid award. It is best to check with Student 金融援助 服务 if specific U of I or state scholarships may or may not be transferable for study abroad.

Additionally, there are many study abroad scholarships available for students who are eligible. The U of I automatically considers all eligible study abroad students for the International Experience Grant (IEG). The IEG awards $150,000 per year to U of I undergraduate study abroad students in $1,000 increments. 有关您的学生可能符合资格的各种奖学金的详细信息, 请参阅我们的 留学融资 页面.

学生账户 & 出纳处可能会为出国留学项目设立付款计划选项. 这可以帮助家长更容易地支付费用. 请注意,建立付款计划需要支付一小笔费用, 这只适用于直接支付给欧洲杯买球的费用. 您可以联系 acctrec@psozxd.com 有关此选项的其他详细信息. If your student has fees that are due to a different organization (this is very common) you will need to contact that organization directly to arrange payments.

最后, 这有助于将成本与获得的经验进行比较, 又称价值程序. 而成本是项目选择的重要考虑因素, do not forget to also include the quality and impact of the experience when deciding the right program for your student.

The benefits of study abroad range from a deeper knowledge of self to invaluable career skills. 出国留学可以把你的学生介绍给新兴的全球世界. It will prepare them with the practical experience and intercultural skills that many employers look for in today’s job market: personal maturity, 冒险, 创新性, 适应性和自信心. 换句话说, your student will gain career-preparedness with an additional capacity to navigate the global marketplace. 

Study abroad may also help your student take leaps in their intellectual and social development. 它将促进独立,并可能产生强烈的民族和世界认同. 他们可能会获得克服任何和所有阻碍的信心, 克服这些障碍, 他们可能会扩大他们的全球, 国家和个人观点.

父母 and family members are understandably concerned about their student's safety while abroad. 这有助于我们认识到,美国政府正在采取行动.S. 是否和出国旅行一样有内在的危险. 此外, 媒体关注的是负面的,有时是过度耸人听闻的政治动荡, 国外的冲突和自然灾害. You can rest more easily knowing that our number one priority is doing everything in our power to help your student have a safe and successful experience abroad, and that we will not send any students to areas of the world that we consider inherently unsafe.

While every effort is made to keep your child safe it is also important to understand that study abroad programs and/or university offices (such as the U of I 国外的教育) cannot guarantee the safety of your student, 他们也不能监督你的学生在国外所做的决定. 通常,你.S. 正当程序、权利和平等的规范在东道国不是规范. 伊利诺伊大学海外教育学院仍与项目管理人员保持联系, 驻院主任及其他与海外学生有联系的工作人员, 并密切关注美国的政策.S. 国务院安全更新. 最终, 然而, 你的学生要遵守他们留学所在国的法律, 确保学生安全的首要责任在于他们.

Participants need to know and obey the laws of the host country because they are subject to the laws of that country regardless of their rights as Americans. American civil rights and legal procedures are not protected once Americans leave the United States. Prison conditions may be sub-standard and pre-trial bail may be different and/or non-existent in the host country. 美国人通常认为理所当然的其他保护措施, 比如禁止因同一罪行被起诉两次, 在其他司法系统中往往不存在.

U.S. 大使馆
The 大使馆 and/or Consulate(s) in the host country can provide only limited kinds of assistance to Americans, but they are an excellent resource in the case of an emergency involving American citizens while traveling.

Students are given information about health issues specific to their respective host countries, 并被鼓励查看旅游信息从 疾病控制中心 他们也可以在 TripPrep. 大多数留学地点都有良好的医疗条件.S. 大使馆 can provide students with a list of English-speaking doctors as well as their proximity to the program site.


学生可以在一些东道国的一些项目中获得银行账户. 这可能允许您的学生可能需要的任何汇款(电汇), 美国运通汇票, 外币汇票或本票). 请注意,电汇可能非常昂贵, 而且只有在发送大量资金时,它们才是一个不错的选择.


One easy and inexpensive way to send smaller amounts of money to your student is to open a joint checking account in the U.S. 父母 can then deposit money into the account while their student (who has a debit card tied to the account) can withdraw the money from abroad. 这对大多数国家来说都是一个不错的选择, 但是在出国之前,最好和你的银行确认这是可能的. Students should also be equipped with an emergency credit card, if possible, while abroad. 这可以确保他们在紧急情况下有钱.

最重要的是, parents and family members will need to prepare themselves for the lack of communication that they will face while their student is abroad, 尤其是在节目开始的时候. 通常可以使用无线网络和WiFi接入, 但是连接的质量取决于东道国的基础设施. 可能会有新的时间和空间障碍. 如果通信频率有间隙,不要担心——这是正常的吗. Talk with your student ahead of time and consider what methods you are hoping to use to stay in contact: WhatsApp uses WiFi to make calls and send texts and pictures on both Android and iPhone. 脸谱网和Instagram的信使很容易使用,并且允许不同的功能.

Culture shock can be described as the physical and emotional discomfort people suffer when living in a culture different from their native culture. 它在不同的人和不同的时间表现不同. 文化冲击的一些常见症状包括暴饮暴食, 吃得少或对当地食物不感兴趣, 睡得太多,感觉筋疲力尽, 比平时多待在家里, 感到烦躁或不安, 或者想家或者沮丧. 如果你的学生说他们有这些感觉, 鼓励他们与他们的现场支持系统交谈, 提醒他们手头上有多少资源. 从远处很难感觉到有帮助, 但是有一些资源可以帮助你的学生克服文化冲击.


Students who study abroad for a semester are registered at U of I for 12 credit hours in most situations, 不管他们在国外实际拿了多少学分. This 12 credit placeholder registration ensures that the student is registered as a full-time student at U of I. 留学教育收到接收院校的成绩单或成绩报告, 学生的U - I注册将被更改以反映实际获得的学分. 这将在学生从国外回来后发生,可能需要一段时间才能收到. 如果您的学生对他们的成绩单有疑问,请欧洲杯买球.

This is a common problem for parents whose children go on an academic year-long study abroad program, 但这通常很容易解决. 如果您或您的会计需要为税务目的提供额外的细节, U of I 国外的教育 or the appropriate program provider will do everything in their power to assist you. 我们可能能够提供反映适当费用和付款的发票, 或者提供其他有益的服务.

你的学生终于回家了,但有些不一样. 你可能无法理解他们的反应, 或者为什么他们对你或你的家庭文化看起来易怒或消极. 分开这么久,他们见到你不应该很兴奋吗?

如果是这样的话,你的学生可能正在经历反向文化冲击. 他们可能会感到与家乡脱节,因为他们现在已经习惯了国外的生活方式. 反向文化冲击是正常的,而且会随着时间的推移而消散. 阅读更多关于反向文化冲击的内容.



电子邮件: abroad@psozxd.com